Ayesha Needs Blood To Survive

by hiwt

  • $20,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $631.50

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
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Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
Karachi, Pakistan


224 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Help Ayesha and nine other girls like her receive safe and regular blood transfusions so they can live past age 10.

Meet Ayesha. A Thalassemia Major Patient.

There is a 60-70% chance that she will not be able to make it past the age of 10.

Ayesha belongs to a middle class family. Her condition calls for diagnostic interventions on a monthly basis. But this is unaffordable by her family. According to her mother, “Just being able to fulfill basic necessities is a big task for us.”

Basic necessities such as food and shelter are getting so expensive in Pakistan, that families like Ayesha can not afford treatments.

Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder caused when the body doesn’t make enough of a protein called hemoglobin, an important part of red blood cells. Hemoglobin enables red blood cells to carry oxygen. Hence, a Thalassemia patient tends to easily feel weak and tired.

Thalassemia Major is the most fatal type of Thalassemia. In the past, almost all babies with Thalassemia Major died before or shortly after birth from complications of extreme anemia.

Today, the main health problems associated with thalassaemia cannot be managed without treatment. This is a serious medical problem that requires ongoing treatment and management for the rest of their lives.

Ayesha, A Thalassemia Major patient

Under these circumstances, the services being provided by HIWT under its Thalassemia Major Eradication Program are a blessing for Ayesha. She says, “I’m not only transfused blood on time, but also given free medicines. All my tests are performed absolutely free of cost.”

Ayesha is just one of 6000 children in Pakistan diagnosed with Thalassemia Major every year.

Just fulfilling basic facilities is a big task and treatments are impossible for people to afford. Ayesha ‘s family is having trouble putting food on the table due to the rising prices.

Let’s help Ayesha and several girls like her to have a chance of surviving past the age of 10 lead a near-normal life, but they need your help in this.

Sponsoring a treatment will include:

✅ Iron Chelation Therapy
✅ Blood Transfusion
✅ Lab Test
✅ Medical Supplies
✅ General Medicine
✅ Nutritious Food for Patient
✅ Transportation

Some of our Thalassemia warriors

Here’s What The Future Looks Like For Thalassemia Patients If Nothing Is Done Today…

Children with Thalassemia need regular blood transfusions; when ‘time runs out’ they begin to feel fatigued, and struggle to perform everyday activities. In the weeks before blood transfusion, their memory and concentration can be severely impaired.

The effects of Thalassemia can take over other internal systems and organs of a patient. Regular blood transfusions can damage the nerves and increase iron content in the body, which further damages the liver. Thalassemia can weaken the immune system so that the patient is more prone to infections and diseases. It can lead to bone deformities, putting the patient at severe risk of osteoporosis. All these problems can cause hormonal imbalances, thus leading to delayed puberty and short stature. They tend to experience higher levels of anxiety and a constant feeling of being ‘ill’ and ‘different’.

It comes as no surprise then, that these problems coupled with the rigors of treatment, give birth to cognitive, emotional and behavioral problems in Thalassemia Patients. As they age, they may face difficulties relating to career, finding a partner and establishing a family, and waning social support as their own parents age. The onset of psychological disorders, particularly depression, in these patients is alarmingly high.

It takes less than a minute to support our endeavors, which could potentially help thousands of households nationwide.

Who We Are:

Help International Welfare Trust (HIWT), established in 1994, is a non-profit organization working to provide modern and comprehensive medical facilities to the underserved populations of Pakistan.

Although we—at HIWT—are engaged in diverse fields in the social welfare and health sectors of Pakistan, our most significant work pertains to the field of Thalassemia treatment and care. This is mainly because, overtime, we have learnt that Thalassemia is painful not only for those suffering with it, but also their families and the society at large; it needs more attention.

Our primary goal is to raise funds for provision of screened blood and blood transfusion using modern and comprehensive medical facilities for the underserved populations of Pakistan. The treatment of Thalassemia is expensive as it includes frequent blood transfusion and medicines. HIWT has been providing 100% free of cost treatment to children suffering from Thalassemia. We started off with less than 10 patients. Today, more than 230 Children are getting the treatment they need.

Our efforts towards eradication of Thalassemia need commitment and help from individuals like yourself.
For just $60, you can provide treatment to a Thalassemia patient for the entire month.

A message from our Chairman Mr. Abdul Rauf Tabani


A day with our Thalassemia patients



Sponsor medical treatment for one child with Thalassemia for a month

(Medical treatment includes: -Iron Chelation Therapy
-Blood Transfusion
-Lab Test
-Medical Supplies
-General Medicine

3 backers


Sponsor medical treatment and assistance one child with thalassemia for a month.

This includes
-medical treatment,
-Nutritious food

1 backers


Sponsor treatment and assistance for two children with thalassemia for a month.

This includes
-medical treatment,
-Nutritious food

1 backers


Sponsor medical treatment and assistance for three children with thalassemia for a month

This includes
-medical treatment,
-Nutritious food

0 backers


Sponsor medical treatment and assistance for three Thalassemia patients for two months

This includes
-medical treatment,
-Nutritious food

0 backers


Sponsor medical treatment and assistance for six Thalassemia patients for two months

This includes
-medical treatment,
-Nutritious food

0 backers


Sponsor medical treatment and assistance for a Thalassemia patient for a year

This includes
-medical treatment,
-Nutritious food

0 backers


Sponsor medical treatment and assistance for two Thalassemia patients for a year.

This includes
-Medical treatment
-Nutritious food

0 backers


Sponsor medical treatment and assistance for four Thalassemia patients for a year

This includes
-medical treatment,
-Nutritious food

0 backers