Short Story
We’re on the ground delivering LIFESAVING aid to over 6 million refugees living through war. They’re crying out for your help & we can’t do it without your support.
Make A Donation = Feed a Life!
Help provide 10,000 families with food in war-torn regions.
One Nation (Spotlight Humanity) is a registered charity in the U.K. Registration Number: 1156200
Feed A Life Campaign
Funding Goal-
Funds Raised -
Days to go -
Target Goal
Campaign End Method
A six year-old boy lays starving. He is dying, in the final phase of his life.
Perhaps you’ve seen his picture.
As he continues to slip away, he cries for water. For food. For anything.
But to no avail.
He succumbs to his starvation and dies there and then.
In his final moments, this innocent young boy was wondering…
“Is there any humanity left?”
There are millions of children like this young boy.
Orphans, widows and civilians who lost their homes. Their shelter. Food and water. Their sense of security.
These are people, who were once living everyday lives. They were like you and us.
They aren’t statistics. They’re you. They’re me.
Kids who once had hopes and dreams. Who saw the world with eyes of wonder.
Only for them to be crushed by the brutalities of war.
The most heartbreaking part?
We could’ve done something to stop it.
They may come from different backgrounds. They may have different religions. But they all bleed the same very same red.
Will we put our hands in our pockets and carry on? Or can we work to make a difference, from the comfort of our own homes?
We need your help to save lives. And we’re not asking for much in exchange.
Will YOU assist in their moment of need?
There are currently over 6 MILLION (!) people in the Middle East who are displaced, with nowhere to go. They lack the basic necessities for living.
Many families are currently living in makeshift homes and tents.
And many of them can’t afford hot and nutritious meals.
We at Spotlight Humanity are setting up hot meals kitchens throughout the refugee camps.
We’re here, with YOUR donations, on the ground serving these camps with their food trucks, serving them warm meals daily and supporting them with the struggles they face everyday.
Our kitchen runs throughout the year. Families in these refugee camps need YOU.
MORE than ever.
Through your contribution, you can ensure that an orphaned child, a widow or needy family will have something to eat.
This is an enormous opportunity to alleviate immense human suffering. Please donate as much as you can. Whatever you can.
Together, we can make sure that no refugees or displaced innocents go hungry.
There are many avenues and options available to aid those who are starving and in need.
We are currently on the ground in the Middle East helping refugees from all over the Middle East. Almost all of the people we help have been displaced and afflicted by the horrors of war and are currently living in dire conditions. With your help we plan to deliver vital life saving aid such as, food, clean water, widow and orphan sponsorships, schooling and more.
We REALLY can’t do any of this without your support!
Here is a summarized breakdown of the costs for supporting our brothers and sisters for this month and beyond:
1 hot meal = $1.50 – 100 hot meals = $150
Even by sparing a few dollars, you can make a difference in providing relief to several human lives.
Given the crisis, Spotlight Humanity makes an URGENT appeal to donate to the best of your ability and to donate generously.
We understand that there are many causes out there. But this is one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world.
And it only gets worse.
Feeding the hungry – IT’S THIS EASY! 🥘
You can feed those less fortunate by donating just $1.50 for 1 hot meal.
You can feed a family for upto 2 weeks by donating $35 for an emergency food pack.
Orphan sponsorship 👶🏻💌
You can make sure an orphan child is financially supported for the entire year by donating $300 .
Now, you might be asking… “What difference will it make?”
We understand that politics can be complicated.
We know that we aren’t going to change the world completely.
We aren’t going to change the political landscape that leads to these gross violations of human rights.
But a few dollars, basic pocket change can still take lives.
People deserve a right to basic dignity and access to the necessary sources for survival.
Who we are
Spotlight Humanity is a 100% donation policy charity, working hard to relieve poverty and suffering both locally and globally. We provide food aid, water aid, shelter, orphan sponsorships and more in destitute countries.
We have been distributing relief and food, water and other essential packages – aiming to help as many people as we can. And we are prepared to continue to help these people, even through COVID-19. But we need your support to do this.
Spotlight is also a project of One Nation.
One Nation is a registered charity organization in the United Kingdom.
Registered Charity Number: 1156200. See One Nation’s most recent public financial statements here”
MercyGive is an organization dedicated to changing the world by working together. MercyGive is an organization that aims to educate and empower those in need of all ages around the world. Through MercyGive, we are dedicated to bettering the lives of the less fortunate through a collection of projects and initiatives – and supporting other nonprofits in their missions.
Through our initiatives, we’ve collaborated with charities to raise awareness and provide relief to thousands of families surviving through crises across the world.
33 Hot Meals You can provide 33 hot meals to migrants struggling to eat a daily meal.
66 Hot Meals You can provide 66 hot meals to migrants struggling to eat a daily meal.
166 Hot Meals You can provide 66 hot meals to migrants struggling to eat a daily meal.
333 Hot Meals You can provide 333 hot meals to children struggling to eat a daily meal.
666 Hot Meals You can provide 666 hot meals to children struggling to eat a daily meal.
1666 Hot Meals You can provide 1666 hot meals to children struggling to eat a daily meal.
3333 Hot Meals You can provide 3333 hot meals to children struggling to eat a daily meal.