Short Story

In Lebanon, Eating a plate of Fatouch salad daily during Ramadan would amount to an entire month’s salary.

Feed Needy families in Lebanon

by United Mothers

  • $12,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $2,506.88

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
Lebanon, Lebanon

United Mothers

224 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Help us provide 100 families in Lebanon with a full month’s food package and basic needs this Ramadan.

This campaign is also ZAKAT ELIGIBLE. By donating to this campaign you will be fulfilling your Zakat obligations Insha Allah.

What are you donating for?

We are partnering with United Mothers Charity to provide $100 food packages for 100 families in Lebanon who cannot afford to provide Iftar or Suhur this Ramadan. Our goal is to provide a nutritious food basket that includes:

  • Fresh produce
  • Meat
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Cooking oil
  • Canned food
  • Fresh dairy.

In addition, we aim to provide a month of generator subscription for each family so they can have access to at least 5 Amps of electricity for 10 hours a day.

Why should you donate?

Lebanon is currently facing a major economic crisis, pushing millions of people into poverty and making it difficult for them to afford basic necessities such as food and electricity. As a result, over 50% of people in Lebanon will not be able to provide Iftar nor Suhur this Ramadan. We want to make a difference in the lives of these families by providing them with the necessary resources to break their fast and celebrate this holy month.

Who are we?

Our team at United Mothers Charity has extensive experience in providing aid to those in need. With your support, we plan to purchase high-quality food items and provide a month of generator subscription for each family. The food package will include fresh produce, meat, rice, pasta, cooking oil, canned food, and fresh dairy – all of which will last them the full month of Ramadan. We will work closely with local vendors to ensure that our purchases are of high quality and that the funds are being used effectively.

How can you help more?

There are many ways to support our campaign. You can donate, share our campaign on social media, or even start your own fundraiser to help us reach our goal. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference in the lives of these families. Let’s come together and make this Ramadan a little easier for struggling people.



Two Weeks of Food for a family Thank you for providing 14 days of Iftar and Suhor

6 backers


5 Amps of electricity for 10 hours a day Thank you for lightning their nights.

4 backers


One month of Food and electricity for a family Thank you for providing 30 days of Iftar and Suhor and for lightning their nights.

5 backers


$500 One month of Food for a 5 families Thank you for providing 30 days of Iftar and Suhor

1 backers


One month of Food and electricity for a 5 family Thank you for providing 30 days of Iftar and Suhor and for lightning their nights.

0 backers