Short Story

Palestinians face severe suffering amid the ongoing onslaught of bombings and chemical war. Over 10000s dead. Urgent support is needed.

Gaza Emergency Appeal


  • $10,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $785.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
Gaza, Palestinian Territory


224 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Campaign Story

Once again, the people of Gaza find themselves in the midst of violence, peril, and immense suffering, as their fundamental human rights are persistently violated. The residents of Gaza are confronting severe adversities, including limited access to essential resources, insufficient healthcare facilities, and the constant looming threat of conflict. At this critical juncture, their need for our unwavering support and solidarity is greater than ever before.

Campaign Objective:
The ” Gaza Emergency Appeal ” campaign includes assistance for displaced individuals, the injured, and hospitals to alleviate the suffering of those affected in conflict areas. This assistance includes food parcels, rent support, cash aid for the affected, medicines, medical supplies, cash assistance, and fuel for hospitals.

Campaign Projects:
Your donation, no matter how small, makes a significant impact.

For Displaced Individuals:

Food parcel: $30

Hygiene kit: $30

Monthly rent support: $200

For the Injured:

Shelter kit: $17

Medication: $30

Medical aid tool: $100

Cash assistance: $500

For Hospitals:

Medicines and medical supplies: $32,757

Fuel for medical units: $2,000



Shelter kit

1 backers


Hygiene kit

1 backers


Medical aid tool

6 backers


Cash assistance

0 backers


Fuel for medical units

0 backers