Short Story

Hamda has been in the hospital for almost two months now, and the family cannot pay the medical bills. Their current medical bill stands at $6590, and the doctors have estimated that they will need another $3400 for her treatment and future investigations. 

Save Hamda’s Life and Gift Her 5 Young Children the Warmth of Mother’s Love!

by Good Deed Charity

  • $12,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $1,595.00

    Funds Raised
  • Campaign Never Ends

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $10 Maximum amount is $100000
, Yemen

Good Deed Charity

224 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Your Urgent Help is Needed! Here’s the Situation:


Hamda is a compassionate mother of 5 children and is currently suffering from a liver failure and eye problems. Her doctors have also suspected that she may have cancer, but due to financial constraints, they are unable to perform further investigations and treatments.


Living in Yemen, the family has to provide money for anything that needs to be done for investigation and treatment, and with a daily earning of only $2 between them, they are struggling to make ends meet. 


The family lives in a single room and spends $40 a month on rent, leaving only $20 for food. Many days, they go without food because they do not have the means to purchase it.


Hamda has been in the hospital for almost two months now, and the family cannot pay the medical bills. Their current medical bill stands at $6590, and the doctors have estimated that they will need another $3400 for her treatment and future investigations. 


In addition, we would like to help the family with an additional $2000 to cover their other expenses. We are also seeking $200 to pay for the doctors helping us with this case.


We cannot let this heartbreaking situation continue any longer. With your support, we can help Hamda receive the life-saving treatment she needs and bring her back to her beloved family.


We need your urgent help to make this happen. Every donation counts towards Hamda’s treatment, and every little bit makes a huge difference. By contributing today, you will be directly impacting the lives of her five young children who need the warmth of their mother’s affection and care.



$10 Donation For Stroke Victim

9 backers


$25 Donation For Stroke Victim

6 backers


$50 Donation For Stroke Victim

8 backers


$100 Donation For Stroke Victim

4 backers


$250 Donation For Stroke Victim

0 backers


$500 Donation For Stroke Victim

1 backers


$1000 Donation For Stroke Victim

0 backers


$2500 Donation For Stroke Victim

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$5000 Donation For Stroke Victim

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