You Can Help Us Beat the Odds and Provide Free Rehabilitation Treatment to the Disabled Children of Yemen

by Amr Ali Ibrahim

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Sana'a, Yemen

Amr Ali Ibrahim

224 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Bring a positive change in the life of Yemeni children by helping them in their struggle against disability, starvation, and conflict. 


Innocent Children Are Suffering

With disabilities, life is already a struggle. But being a disabled child in Yemen does not only mean having to live with special needs. It also means witnessing bloodshed, poverty, and starvation. It means endless trauma and struggle.

In Yemen, disabilities aren’t just natural; some are the dreadful consequences of war. Hundreds of children get disabled due to injuries caused by the bombing every year.

These children ache for a life where they can live. Childhood is a foreign concept to most. They never get to explore their true potential and are limited to a life defined by their disabilities. In another life, these children might have been born disabled but would have been able to progress still.

But for now, life only means trying to cheat death every day.

After 8 years of ongoing conflict, UNICEF has labeled the crisis in Yemen as the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. War has left Yemen with a crippling economy. Citizens of Yemen are deprived of the necessities of life. So, when a child is disabled, he becomes a burden to the family. Their parents are unable to provide them with the special care they need; they only have enough resources to keep each other alive.







Photo: Yemeni children with special needs are amongst the most badly affected by the war


Someone Needs To Step Up

The solution is humans who are willing to invest their resources in helping the affected ones. Needless to say, Yemeni children with special needs are the ones that are most badly affected by the war. Mrs. Mona Al Qaseer knew someone had to step up for them. To help, she built a rehabilitation treatment center and founded the Humanitarian Cooperation Foundation in 2018. Here, we provide free medical care and rehabilitation to these children and free education sessions for their families.







Photo: A specialist working on a free rehabilitation session for one of the children at our treatment center


We also distribute food baskets to the families struggling most with poverty. To make the occasions of Eid better, we also distribute clothes to children and meat on Eid Al Adha. Other than that, we also provide clean water to families who didn’t have access to it.

At the Humanitarian Cooperation Foundation, we also received cases where transportation was an issue for some. The lack of safe transportation was a hurdle, but we can’t let that stop us! Now, we provide pick-and-drop services to such children so that they can come to the foundation and receive treatment.

How Can You Help?

HCF has been entirely self-funded, but as we continue to expand and support more children with special needs, we are falling short of financial resources. Many special needs children and poor families rely on us. We are the solution to their problems. To continue with our cause, we are now collecting donations.

To this date, HCF has served 700 children and needs a monthly running budget of $6000 to

  1. Rent out a newer and bigger building to accommodate more children
  2. Afford utilities like electricity, water, landline, and internet service
  3. Employ more trainers, specialists, accountants, and cleaners

HCF needs extra donations to 

  1. Maintain the old equipment
  2. Buy new treatment equipment
  3. Purchase hearing aids for children
  4. Provide safe transportation for children with special needs
  5. Provide poor families with food and clothing

Monetary support will allow us to expand our organization and further improve the quality of treatment and rehabilitation services that we provide to children and their families.

Photo: The building that currently has HCF






















Photos: Images of HCF’s building from the inside

















Still Wondering If You Should?

Through the collaboration between Humanitarian Cooperation Foundation and Madinah, you can help children in need and receive rewards in the hereafter. You can help the children in their struggle of living through war and poverty with disability. You can be their light. What’s stopping you?

In Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) expressed a special love and concern for the people of Yemen. He even advised the sahaba to treat them with kindness and goodness; it was reported by Abu Hurayra – may Allah be pleased with him – that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

“The people of Yemen have come to you. They are most gentle and soft-hearted. Belief is Yemen, and wisdom is Yemeni.”

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, may peace and blessings are upon him, also said:

“Whoever fulfills the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever relieves a hardship, Allah will relieve a hardship for him on the day of judgment.

We all are counting on you.

Please click the button or link and donate now.

May Allah reward you for your kindness.


About HCF

Humanitarian Cooperation Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Sanaa, Yemen that was founded 5 years ago and has been self-funded by the people managing it since then.







Photo: Part of HCF Team








Photo: An appreciation certificate from The Office of Public Affairs and Work (That is a part of the Prime Minister’s office) in Yemen to HCF


A report from Al Hurra channel about HCF in Yemen



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