Short Story

Help HCI raise $55,000 USD to continue running one of the only two remaining hospitals providing care for 3-4 million people in Omdurman-Khartoum.

Help Save Lives in Sudan – Act Now to Provide Urgent Relief

by HCI Tags : sudan

  • $55,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $250.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $5 Maximum amount is $50000
Sudan, Sudan


224 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

What’s Happening In Sudan?

There has been a long history of conflict between two groups, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Most recently, clashes (fighting) broke out in the capital city, Khartoum, on April 15 and then spread to other parts of Sudan.

These two groups have always had some disagreements. The RSF used to help the government, but over time, they became more powerful and wanted more control. This has led to more arguments and fights between the SAF and the RSF.

Because of the fighting, many people have been hurt, and over 75,000 people have had to leave their homes. It has become very hard for organizations to bring food, water, and medicine to the people who need it. The situation is getting worse, and hospitals are now being targeted in the attacks. There are currently only 2 hospitals responsible providing care for 3-4 million people in Omdurman-Khartoum.

We need to find ways to help those who are suffering in Sudan immediately and work towards building long-term solutions.

Your Impact: Providing A 4-Phase Response

HCI is providing urgent medical aid to those affected by the crisis by helping continue running one of the hospitals -providing critical medical aid over the next month, and directly supporting the most vulnerable in the community.

HCI is following a three-phase approach to emergency response, including:

  1. Conducting a needs assessment
  2. Providing emergency relief
  3. Rebuilding infrastructure and social systems.

With your generous donation, we can continue to provide vital medical assistance and support to those in need.




$25 support for Sudan

0 backers


$50 support for Sudan

1 backers


$100 support for Sudan

2 backers


$150 support for Sudan

0 backers


$200 support for Sudan

0 backers


$250 support for Sudan

0 backers


$400 support for Sudan

0 backers


$500 support for Sudan

0 backers


$750 support for Sudan

0 backers


$1000 support for Sudan

0 backers


$2500 support for Sudan

0 backers


$5000 support for Sudan

0 backers