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Help raise money for Iftar (meals) for 21 different communities / musallahs in Mexico this Ramadan through the Khadijah Foundation

Iftaar For Muslims in Mexico

by Mariya Mehreen

  • $50,000.00

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  • $0.00

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  • Campaign Never Ends

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, United States (US)

Mariya Mehreen

224 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Join me in supporting the Khadija Foundation México, a not-for-profit campaign that provides Muslim communities across Mexico with iftar-meal programs during the month of Ramadan.

“Those who spend of their goods (in charity) by night and by day in secret and in public shall have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve” (Quran 2:274)

In the past few years, over 15 madrassas have been built surrounding poor communities all through-out Mexico. These madrassas are not able to provide iftar-programs for their citizens in need, and with the added stress of COVID-19, many of the residents are not able to afford food to break their fast.

Studies have found that the growth rate of Hispanic reverts has increased by 700% in the last ten years – Inquirer. However many reverts are facing challenges within their own communities and are often being shunned by family members. Those who are living within the slums, often have nowhere to turn to other than their local Madrassah.

“When I told my family that I converted to Islam, they immediately kicked me out of the house and disowned me. The community madrassah was the only place that would take me in” – Joseph age 23

By supporting the Khadija Foundation México, not only would your money help feed those in need, but it would also help us provide a safe and caring space for new reverts, help provide Islamic-teaching to those who desire, and give an opportunity for madrassahs to grow and expand to accommodate for Mexicos increasing Muslim population.

Alhamdullilah, by your generous donations, we were able to launch our iftar program across 21 communities, where we raised over $15 000 and provided meals to over 600 Muslims in need of food last year in Mexico.

This year, we would like to double that! By the will of Allah, we would like to raise $30 000 to further help the Muslims of Mexico, in areas where there is a lack of iftar programs available. The cost to provide one iftar meal to someone is $10, to feed a group iftar (20 people) it would be $100 and to feed the entire madrassah for one day would be $3000!

Ramadan is a time to increase our good deeds and to connect with those who regularly go without food and water. This year, we should also reach out to those at greater risk of the coronavirus pandemic who may not have access to adequate protection and healthcare. This Ramadan, please open your hearts and help provide families in need with food and water to help break their fasts each day.

Ibn Abbas said, “The Prophet ﷺ was the most generous of people, and he was most generous during Ramadan.” (Al-Bukhari)

Let us follow the example of our Nabi ﷺ and provide for the less fortunate this Ramadan. May Allah reward you for your efforts.

جَزَاكَ ٱللَّٰهُ خَيْرً



Provide Iftar to 3 members

0 backers


Provide an Iftar meal for a family of 5

0 backers


Provide a Iftar meal for a family of 7

0 backers


Provide a group of 10 people with Iftar

0 backers


Provide a group of 25 people with Iftar

0 backers


Provide Iftar to a community of 100

0 backers


Provide Iftar for a community of 150 for the whole month

0 backers