Short Story

Afghanistan… When you hear this country’s name, what pictures run inside your mind? Do you see collapsed buildings with rubble in the streets? Do you think of women begging and children starving? Do you smell gunpowder smoke and hear loud explosions at the back of your mind?

Millions in Afghanistan are Starving!

by Madinah Tags : Causes

  • $10,000.00

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  • $3,100.00

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  • 0

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224 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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And time is running out…

Afghanistan… When you hear this country’s name, what pictures run inside your mind? Do you see collapsed buildings with rubble in the streets? Do you think of women begging and children starving? Do you smell gunpowder smoke and hear loud explosions at the back of your mind?

While a lot of these images may be somewhat true in recent times, it camouflages so many other realities about this beautiful country.

Afghanistan is much more than that!

This is a country that has hosted 12 civilizations who each left their mark and heritage on architecture and knowledge, from Persia in the West and all the way to Bangladesh in the East! (Image: Herat, Afghanistan).

Through the ancient silk road, Afghanistan’s fertile lands were feeding all of central Asia! And even today, this country has an abundance of natural resources that are estimated to be worth over a trillion dollars! How is it possible for the people of such a rich country to be starving today?

That’s a valid question!

You see… due to non-stop conflict in the region, the Afghan people never tasted even a tiny fraction of those fortunes.

The Once Food Basket of Central Asia is Now STARVING!

Indeed, today the children, women, and people of Afghanistan are suffering from EXTREME POVERTY after 43 years of war against 2 of the most powerful empires in human history.

And as if war wasn’t enough of a tragedy, international aid has stopped due to sanctions, and the Afghan people are left for their own fate without the basics of survival.

That’s why they NEED your help more than ever before!

Who are we? and what do we do to help those in need?

MadinahGive is an organization dedicated to changing the world by working with reliable and experienced partners on the ground.

Since 1980, our partners have been able to provide help to over 40 countries, from Indonesia in the far East to Guyana in the far West, sharing over $110 million in aid.

These efforts include a wide range of charity projects. A few notable examples:

✅ Girls’ school in Afghanistan.
✅ Resettlement projects in Bangladesh.
✅ Mobile clinics in Egypt.
✅ Life skills training in the horn of Africa.
✅ School scholarships in Indonesia.
✅ Disability support in Iraq.
✅ Landmine removal in Lebanon.
✅ Housing & sanitization projects in Kashmir.
✅ Olive oil production for families in Palestine.
✅ Mental health counseling in Pakistan.

This is why we want YOU to be our next partner in good deeds so we could help the people of Afghanistan who need us more than ever before!

Why is Afghanistan special?

👇Did you know?

Our Prophet ﷺ praised the companion who spread Islam in Afghanistan?

Al-Ahnf ibn Qays, a young man who was only 14 years old when the Prophet ﷺ passed away, was known among his tribe and Muslims to be kind and easy-going.

When his good reputation reached the Prophet ﷺ, he said:

“O Allah, forgive Al-Ahnf اللهم اغفر للأحنف” (Ahmed).

His blessed lips said this, despite never meeting him in person!

Al-Ahnf grew to be a great leader, and in year 32H (652), he reached the town of Herat in Afghanistan, defeated the mighty Sassanid empire, freeing the people of Afghanistan, and causing them to embrace Islam!

The question now is:

👇Did you know?

Our Prophet ﷺ praised the companion who spread Islam in Afghanistan?

Al-Ahnf ibn Qays, a young man who was only 14 years old when the Prophet ﷺ passed away, was known among his tribe and Muslims to be kind and easy-going.

When his good reputation reached the Prophet ﷺ, he said:

“O Allah, forgive Al-Ahnf اللهم اغفر للأحنف” (Ahmed).

His blessed lips said this, despite never meeting him in person!

Al-Ahnf grew to be a great leader, and in year 32H (652), he reached the town of Herat in Afghanistan, defeated the mighty Sassanid empire, freeing the people of Afghanistan, and causing them to embrace Islam!

Our Pledge

We have all seen recently on the news how the Afghan people are facing hardships. This is not about politics and what you think about the current leadership or not!

This is about the mother, father, and children in the street who just want to have basic survival needs and not to suffer in the aftermath of 2 back-to-back wars lasting over 4 decades!

Our duty as Muslims is to continue the legacy of Al-Ahnf who brought Islam to the region and entrusted this Ummah to continue taking care of the Afghan people. We must honour that trust and help our brothers and sisters in need!

For just $30 a month, you could sponsor the food needs of one family.

47% of Afghanistan’s entire population has 38 million people who live below the poverty line.

That means, we need to feed over 18 million hungry mouths until they can stand on their own feet!

The Prophet ﷺ said:

“ما آمن بي من بات شبعان وجاره جائع إلى جنبه وهو يعلم به” (الطبراني)

“He who sleeps with a full stomach while his neighbor goes hungry (while he knows of it) has not believed in me” (Al-Tabarani)

Could you imagine being denied drinking from the hands of the Prophet ﷺ at the fountain because you left your brother to starve?

Be our partner in good, and don’t let your siblings in Islam sleep hungry or without shelter!



$30 USD

Your donation can properly feed a family for a month

You’re Amazing! May Allah bless you and your wealth for supporting displaced families in Afghanistan!

0 backers


$65 USD

Provides mobile shelter for a family!

You’re Amazing! May Allah bless you and your wealth for supporting displaced families in Afghanistan!

0 backers


$105 USD

Provides a family mobile shelter, blankets, mattress & heaters

You’re Amazing! May Allah bless you and your wealth for supporting displaced families in Afghanistan!

0 backers


$125 USD

Provides an entire family with a mobile shelter, other essentials, and critical food aid

You’re Amazing! May Allah bless you and your wealth for supporting displaced families in Afghanistan!

1 backers