Short Story

we provide goats and cows for you to Qurbani in remote areas of Indonesia

 You can Qurbani in remote villages by clicking the SUPPORT green button

Qurban in Remote Village

by filantra Tags : #food #donation #sadaqah #orphans #qurban

  • $10,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $10.00

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  • 0

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Indonesia, Indonesia


224 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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The moment of Eid al-Adha should be a happy moment for all Muslims, but in reality not everyone can feel that happiness.

On this year’s Eid al-Adha, Filantra would like to invite you to experience a different experience with the concept of “Qurbani in Remote Village”.



What is the difference from the usual qurbani?




In this program you can qurban for remote communities who rarely or never even taste qurbani meat. Apart from that, you also empower small farmers in villages who have difficulty selling their livestock.





Many small breeders whose turnover is decreasing, this is caused by several things, one of which is the difficulty in finding buyers for sacrificial animals in the village, the majority of whom are residents who need it, as a result, on average, they sell their livestock at low prices.





With your participation in qurbani from remote villages, you can help restore their economy while at the same time worshiping to fulfill qurbani to become a delicious meal for the poor in remote villages.


Your qurban will be distributed to several remote areas of Indonesia, namely in Sumedang, Bandung, Sukabumi, Cianjur, Garut, Kuningan, Solo, Cilacap, Jember, Padang, Medan, Maluku, Lombok, Flores and Alor




“And actually before the blood of the Sacrifice hits the ground, it (the reward) has been accepted by Allah, so you are lucky with the (reward) of the Sacrifice.” (HR Tirmidhi)”


we provide goats and cows for you to Qurbani in remote areas of Indonesia


 You can Qurbani in remote villages by clicking the SUPPORT green button


Not only donating, you can also help by spreading this fundraising page to those closest to you so that more people can help.


Thank you for your prayers, support and help, may Allah repay all your kindness 🙂

Name Donate Amount Date
Anonymous $10.00 May 24, 2024