Short Story

But despite all of this, dawn must come… and because their pain and affliction is ours and in response to the call of humanitarian duty, we begin, with the help of Allah, a relief campaign for the children of Gaza in response to the urgent need that the Gaza Strip is experiencing, especially with the coming of summer amid the difficult conditions they live in there.

Relief for our brothers in Gaza.

by hathi hayati volunteering group Tags : #gaza#Palestine#children

  • $15,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $100.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $25 Maximum amount is $1000
gaza, Canada

Since October 7, 2023, Palestinians in Gaza have been living under the constant threat of death.

The situation is now tragic, exacerbated by the intense summer heat, high temperatures, and a severe lack of basic necessities such as food and water. Access to basic living services is nearly impossible, with no water or electricity, and no shelter to protect them.

In light of this dire situation, Hathi Hayati launched its relief campaign in Gaza and despite the enormous challenges, we are committed to providing some relief. Inspired by humanitarian duty and with God’s help.

What can your donation contribute?
We are carrying out our relief campaign by providing the following services to our brothers in Gaza :
– Hot meals
– Food basket
– Clean water
– Hygiene basket
– vegetables baskets
– vows

The campaign is implemented in coordination and cooperation with several parties and organizations working on the ground.

Help us support the campaign and contribute to saving a child and making another child happy through your donations.



General donation to charity kitchen

0 backers


Vegetable basket

0 backers


Food basket

1 backers


Potable water tank

0 backers


50 fresh meals distributed to our brothers in Gaza

0 backers


Vow/Aqeeqa/Udhia/Qurbani distributed to our brothers in Gaza

0 backers


100 fresh meals distributed to our brothers in Gaza

0 backers