Short Story

Support and fund scholarships for underprivileged orphans in Indonesia to help them build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

Support the Education of Orphans

by filantra Tags : #food #donation #sadaqah #orphans

  • $5,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
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    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $5 Maximum amount is $4000
Bandung, Indonesia


222 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

This campaign is ZAKAT ELIGIBLE. By donating to this campaign you will be fulfilling your Zakat obligations InshaAllah. 

Being an orphan is difficult, and many struggle to survive and continue their education to achieve their goals.

However, many orphans have to drop out of school because they cannot afford the costs and the burden of paying for their daily needs becomes too much to bear.

Seeing these conditions and as a form of love and concern for orphans, Filantra has a program for orphans in which there are around 150 fostered orphans from various regions in Indonesia. We named this program the Orphan Friendly Space, a facility dedicated to Filantra to provide development for the potential of orphans in the form of practical knowledge skills. In addition, we also provide assistance with living expenses and education.


Let’s meet Alfiya, an accomplished child who consistently wins medals and maintains a top rank in her class. Her father passed away due to COVID-19, leaving her to live with only her mother and grandmother, who sell traditional crackers for a living.



Every day, Alfiya assists her mother in selling these crackers, but the income from sales isn’t enough to meet their daily needs. Sadly, Alfiya is at risk of dropping out of school because she can’t afford her textbooks and school fees. Currently, she hasn’t received any assistance from anywhere to help her continue her education.

Meet Kaizan. An orphan who lost his father when he was 5 years old. This smart and sweet child had to lose a father figure when he was young.

She really wants to continue to be able to go to high school, to become a doctor is his goal so she can help many people, very noble.


“I and the one who takes care of the orphan (his position) in heaven is like this”, then he, may God bless him and give him peace, pointed his index finger and middle finger, may God bless him and give him peace, and stretched it a little. [HR al-Bukhari no. 4998 and 5659]

How great is the privilege and reward that God promises for those who take care of orphans.

Therefore, Filantra would like to invite you to convey your love and concern to even more orphans in several regions in Indonesia through the assistance of educational scholarships and living expenses.

We hope that we can help at least 1000 orphans in several regions in Indonesia, including: West Java Province, Central Java Province, East Java Province, North Sumatra Province and Maluku Province.

We are sure you don’t want to stay silent when there are still many orphans who have to fight harder to be able to get an education. Let’s help them continue to go to school and achieve their goals by providing educational assistance and living expenses by clicking the SUPPORT button.

Not only donating, you can also help by spreading this fundraising page to those closest to you so that more people can help.

“They ask you about the orphan, say improving his condition is good.” (Quran Surah Al Baqoroh: 220)

Thank you for your prayers, support and help, may God repay all your kindness 🙂