Short Story

Help us support Yaseen Youth this Ramadan!

Yaseen Youth: Our Legacy Continues

by yaseen youth

  • $30,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $1,690.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $

yaseen youth

222 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

Help us save Yaseen Youth!

At Yaseen Youth, we are driven by a simple idea.

Inspire the Youth…. Inspire the world!!!

Yaseen Youth is a non-profit registered charity with a mission to inspire the youth to be future leaders, visionaries, mentors, and peace-builders of society through holistic development, training and advocacy.

But we can only continue our mission with YOUR help. We’re looking to secure the funds that will help us continue to fulfil the obligation that has been long neglected… “the youth”.

We envision a world where every youth thrives and are at the forefront, leading in all societal component — but it starts with us.

What Does Yaseen Youth Do?

✈️ Youth Tours
Yaseen Youth Tours organises life-changing trips (including Umrah) for the youth which are enjoyable, educational, and spiritual attended by around 700 youth so far!

Great Minds
We offer a warm and open space for our youth to confidently speak to our qualified individuals whenever they feel the need to.

🤝 Youth Centre
A safe space where the youth can meet new friends, engage with positive role models, learn new skills, and have fun in all a friendly and non-judgmental environment!

🎗 Youth Charity/Co-operate-19
Co-19 provides volunteering opportunities for the youth, developing their skills and character by involving them in humanitarian and social initiatives.

📚 Yaseen Youth Academy
As part of our educational and development programme, we aim to build leaders and critical thinkers from amongst the youth by providing a holistic academic programme.

⚽️ Yaseen Sports Foundation
Developing the mind and body by providing coaching, mixed-sports tournaments, martial arts classes, incredible competitions and much more!

The challenges the youth face in our times outweigh anything that has come before. We need to engage with the youth and provide activities and much-needed services that will help them become stronger!

💰 Where will your money go?

Your money goes 100% towards helping our youth centre and projects be an ongoing success.

Your help will allow us to continue our critical work; for every youth’s life we impact, you will be rewarded, and for every life they touch, you keep getting rewarded until the Day of Judgment.

Please do support us this Ramadan and help us to help the next generation!

#Inspiretheyouth #Inspiretheworld!



Every Little Helps
Donate £10 to support YYT activities and projects

3 backers


Donate £20 to develop YYT activities and projects

2 backers


Friend of YYT
Donate £50 to strengthen YYT activities and projects

4 backers


YYT Sponsor
Donate £100 to sponsor a YYT activity

3 backers


Community Champion
Donate £250 to fund one youth participant

0 backers


Youth Umrah
Fund 50 percent of one youth's umrah

0 backers


Fund a youth umrah
Complete reward for all of his/her umrah

1 backers