Short Story

Join Our Mission to Save Baby Umar from the Clutches of a Devastating Birth Malformation.

Every second counts! We are racing against time to rescue a 10-month-old baby boy, whose life hangs in the balance due to a series of congenital anomalies (multiple health issues from the time of birth). Baby Umar is suffering from a heart-wrenching condition that has made him helpless and in desperate need of immediate medical intervention. Without your support, this innocent child’s fate is sealed – his precious life could slip away within a matter of months.

Help Rescue a 10-Month Old Baby from Unimaginable Suffering! Time is of the Essence!

by Good Deed Charity

  • $14,080.00

    Funding Goal
  • $12,301.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $10 Maximum amount is $10000
, Yemen

Good Deed Charity

224 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

A Devastating Combination of Conditions

Baby Umar has been suffering from multiple congenital anomalies (health issues from the time of birth), including spina bifida (spine condition), hydrocephalus post-V-P shunt (brain condition), neurogenic bladder (lack of bladder control), and double ureter (kidney/bladder issue). His tiny body is ravaged by these conditions, preventing him from leading a normal, healthy life. He cannot even perform basic bodily functions, such as urinating and going to the toilet, without assistance. His quality of life is deteriorating everyday, leaving his family heartbroken and desperate for help.

A Heartbreaking Tale of Poverty

Adding to the complexity of this severe situation is the extreme poverty that engulfs Baby Umar’s family. His father, the sole breadwinner, earns a mere $1 a day, which is barely enough to put food on the table for his family.

Their financial resources are virtually nonexistent, and the burden of medical bills is simply overwhelming. They are trapped in a cycle of helplessness, unable to provide their child with the life-saving treatments he so desperately needs.

Every Second is a Step Closer to Irreversible Tragedy

We cannot afford to delay! Baby Umar needs urgent brain surgery to alleviate the pressure building up in his delicate brain and repair the malfunctioning device that is supposed to remove the fluid. Without this vital procedure, the consequences could be fatal. Furthermore, he requires frequent follow-ups twice a week to monitor his progress and ensure his overall well-being.

The Cost of Saving His Life

The estimated cost of the brain surgery is a staggering $9,500. Additionally, the ongoing treatment and follow-up care for Baby Umar’s father will amount to $4,580. These figures may seem unbeatable, but we firmly believe that with the power of compassion and collective action, we can make the impossible possible.

We urge you to join hands with us in this race against time. Every donation, no matter how small, will contribute to giving Baby Umar a fighting chance at a future full of hope and joy. Your support will not only help cover the cost of life-saving surgeries and medical treatments but also provide ongoing care and support for Baby Umar’s family during this arduous journey.

Act Now, for Tomorrow May Be Too Late

We cannot emphasize enough the urgency of this situation. Baby Umar does not have the luxury of time. He needs our help now. Your generous contribution can truly be the difference between life and death for this innocent child.

We urge you to seize this moment, to heed the call of compassion and empathy.
Donate today, Donate generously, and become the guardian angel this innocent soul so desperately needs.

Together, we can rewrite the script of this devastating tragedy and bring light into the lives of this family. The power to save a life is in your hands.

Act Now, for Tomorrow May Be Too Late

We cannot emphasize enough the urgency of this situation. Baby Umar does not have the luxury of time. He needs our help now. Your generous contribution can truly be the difference between life and death for this innocent child.

We urge you to seize this moment, to heed the call of compassion and empathy.

Donate today, Donate generously, and become the guardian angel this innocent soul so desperately needs.

Together, we can rewrite the script of this devastating tragedy and bring light into the lives of this family. The power to save a life is in your hands.

Please don’t wait – act now!



Hope Giver: $10

Mashallah ! With your generous donation, you provide a glimmer of hope for Baby Umar's future. Your contribution helps cover essential medical supplies and supports ongoing care.

58 backers


Angel Supporter: $25
Subhanallah ! As an Angel Supporter, you play a crucial role in Baby Umar's life. Your donation aids in funding follow-up consultations, medications, and therapeutic interventions, ensuring his progress on the path to recovery.

156 backers


Guardian Supporter: $50
Mashallah Amazing ! Your donation as a Guardian Supporter helps create a solid foundation for Baby Umar's bright future. Your contribution can provide nutritional support, assistive devices, and vital developmental therapies, opening doors to a life full of possibilities.

39 backers


Miracle Maker: $100
Mashallah Awesome ! With your remarkable contribution as a Miracle Maker, you bring life-altering transformations to Baby Umar's world. Your generous support covers crucial surgical expenses, specialized medical treatments, and comprehensive rehabilitation services.

23 backers


Champion of Life: $250
Subhanallah Amazing! As a Champion of Life, your contribution is instrumental in rewriting Baby Umar’s destiny. Your generous donation can help cover the costs of life-saving brain surgery, post-operative care, and ongoing interventions that will reshape his future.

2 backers


Super Supporter: $500

1 backers


Life Saver: $1000

2 backers